Regarding the latest news about the COVID-19 virus (official name by the World Health Organization):
This virus was first identified in humans, in late 2019, in the Chinese city of Wuhan, Hubei province, and cases have been confirmed in many other countries. On monday, March 2nd, the first two cases of infected people in our country were confirmed in Porto. The situation is, for now, stable.
ESN Porto is extremely committed to the well being of all the participants at our events. As we promote intercultural encounters and contact with students from all over the world, it is important to be cautious at all times and to help stop the disease spreading.
For tonight’s ‘Portuguese Night’ (March 3rd), we are expecting more than 500 students. We ensure the existence of adequate equipment and/or facilities for the adoption of good hygiene practices, such as water and soap and/or an alcohol-based solution, paper towels, tissues and waste collection containers in strategic locations. You can be assured that all food comes from reliable sources and all the ESNers will have their own hygienic equipment to serve or touch the food.
These practices are and will be adopted in all of our events, as they are the simple measures that any organisation should take into consideration when it comes to public health - being COVID-19, the common flu (Influenza) or any other alarming disease.
We kindly ask all international students not to attend our next events if they are sick, have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 or if they have been in an area with active community transmission in the past 14 days. In the presence of symptoms (including fever, cough or possible breathing difficulties), the first step is to call the SNS24 - 808 24 24 24, and follow the instructions given to you.
As to keep yourself safe, follow these:
- Wash your hands frequently, with soap and water, rubbing them well for at least 20 seconds;
- Reinforce hand washing after blowing your nose, before and after food preparation, after using the bathroom and whenever your hands feel dirty;
- Use, as an alternative, for hand hygiene, a solution of alcohol bases;
- Use tissue paper (single use) everytime you need one;
- Throw used tissues in a waste bin and then wash your hands;
- Coughing or sneezing into the arm with the elbow flexed, not the hands;
- Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth with dirty or contaminated hands;
- Avoid close contact with people with signs and symptoms of respiratory infections;
- Clean surfaces regularly with appropriate detergents and disinfectants.
We guarantee the existence of a contingency plan for our events in the near future.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Let’s enjoy this semester!