Covid-19 Frequently Asked Questions

We are sure some of you have many doubts about how to act when faced with the changing regulations and rules imposed by the Portuguese Government in order deal with this pandemic, as well as the recommended behaviours when faced with the suspicion of infection of yourselves or of people you've been in closed proximity with.
So, we have prepared this page so that any doubts you have can be answered in a simple and fast way.

A: The following apply:
  • Gatherings are limited to 5 people;
  • The consumption of alcoholic beverages on the public space is prohibited;
  • Commercial establishments can't open before 10 am, but there will be exceptions (pastry shops, cafes, hairdressers, and gyms). The closing time of the establishments is between 20:00 and 23:00, as decided by the city councils;
  • Restaurants can accept people until 11 pm and close until midnight;
  • The dining areas in shopping centers now have a maximum limit of 4 people per group;
  • The sale of alcoholic beverages at gas stations is prohibited in all establishments after 8 pm, with the exception of those serving meals;
  • In cafes and pastry shops up to 300 meters away from schools, there is a maximum limit of 4 people per group in order to avoid gatherings of students;
  • The sports venues will remain without public;
  • Limitation of events of family nature (such as weddings and baptisms) to a maximum of 50 participants with an obligation to comply with DGS rules;
  • Prohibition of all academic celebrations and freshman reception ceremonies and other types of celebrations with gatherings (in universities and polytechnics);
  • Reinforcement of security in order to ensure compliance with the rules both on public roads and in malls and restaurants;
  • Increase of up to 10 thousand euros as fines applicable to people - commercial and catering specifically- that do not ensure scrupulous compliance with the current rules on occupancy and social distance;
  • In the workplaces of the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto, the Government intends to have mirror teams, with rotation schedules between working from home and face-to-face work. It is also intended to delay the arrival and departure times, as well as breaks and meals;


Mandatory use of masks outside: It's now mandatory to use a mask in open spaces whenever it is not possible to comply with the physical distance (at least two meters, according to the recommendations). The measure goes into effect on the 29th of October 2020, for the next 70 days. Everyone has to wear a mask from the age of ten.

Situations when you don't need to wear a mask:

  • if you have a medical certificate;
  • if you are with people who live with you, and are not in close contact with others outside the household;
  • if it's “incompatible with the nature of the activities that people are carrying out” - for example, running.

A: The first thing you need to do is:
  • check if you have COVID-19 symptoms;
  • understand if you’ve been in close contact with the person infected;

If your answer is YES to any of the options, you need to call 808242424. This is mandatory. Only THEY will decide if you get tested or not, and will tell you where and when. We do not go look and ask for tests on our own. Please keep this in mind.

A: The first thing you need to do is:
  • check if you have covid-19 symptoms;
  • understand if you’ve been in close contact with someone confirmed positive;

If your answer is YES to any of the options, you need to call 808242424. This is mandatory. Only THEY will decide if you get tested or not, and will tell you where and when. We do not go look and ask for tests on our own. Please keep this in mind.

A: if you have been in contact with a positive COVID-19 case OR if you have any symptoms associated with the virus, please call immediately the health national line SAÚDE 24: 808242424.
  • It’s free and available in English.
  • They will tell you what to do and in certain cases, if needed to self-isolate so please, in those situations, do not leave your house.

Besides, we kindly ask you to inform us ( if you have COVID-19 symptoms/you have been in contact with a positive case AND if you participated in any of our events.

A: The incubation period of Covid-19 (time between exposure to the virus and appearance of symptoms), is on average 5-6 days, but can be as long as 14 days.
Quarantine should be in place for 10 days from the last high-risk exposure to a confirmed case or until the result of your own test comes back Negative.
If it is not possible for you to quarantine in a separate living space, you should self-quarantine for 10 days (there is support available for people in self-quarantine).

A: The doctors will track your case and tell you when you can go out again.
Most of the cases just need to stay home for the 10 days of obligatory quarantine.
Please do not leave your house if you still have any symptoms.

A: You should contact SAÚDE 24 (808 242 424) and quarantine while waiting for any symptoms.
The doctors will keep track of your situation and ask you to take the test if they understand it is necessary.
During this period, you must never be in contact with other people unless it is strictly necessary, and if you need to go outside, always wear a mask and take disinfectant.

A: Most common symptoms:
  • fever;
  • dry cough;
  • weakness.

Less common symptoms:

  • aches and pains;
  • sore throat;
  • diarrhea;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • headache;
  • loss of taste or smell;
  • a rash on the skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes.

Serious symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath;
  • chest pain or pressure;
  • loss of speech or movement.

A: The quarantine starts from the moment you test positive for COVID-19.